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Who will be on "The Board" in 2023?

A Question for all club members:

Who will be on the BOARD of Rock ‘n’ Roll Plus Dance Club in 2023?

That is a question whose answer we need to pursue.  Sometime in October or November -- date not yet selected -- we will have a membership meeting at which we will hold elections of officers and other board members for the year 2023. With that in mind, we seek those members who would like to help manage the club’s affairs as an officer or as a Director-at-Large.  Alternately, we need a nominating/election committee to help find those who would be interested in running for positions.

Can you help out the club on this?  Can you toss your hat in the ring? Can you help us pursue other volunteers?  Please consider helping the club by offering to be a part of the board as an officer or Director-at-Large or as a part of the nominating/election committee.