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  • We have established a DEADLINE, dancers!

Since the Activities Dept. wants two weeks notice for our needs, 'ticket sales' at $20 for members and $25 for guests will close at the end of the day on Monday, September 12 for our Sept. 21 dance party.  From then until the day before the party, tickets prices will be $30 & $35 respectively. THERE WILL BE NO TICKET SALES AT THE DOOR.

And please remember -- "Money talks."  You don't have a ticket till we have your money.


  • regarding the aforementioned dance lesson prior to the party...

With our CW theme for the party, the dance being taught pre-party will be the Cowboy Cha-Cha.  As mentioned in the flyer, this dance has a pattern for a typical line dance and another which can be done as a couple which progresses around the floor.  So whether you're a single or a couple, if you want to learn the dance, be there, ready to go by 4:00. Of course we'll play appropriate music for this dance during the party so you can dance what you learned.

NOTE: If you won't be in the dance class, don't show up early.  You will not be admitted till 4:30.